Prototyping 2 - Wrappers & Value Prop
Logo and Flyer design
I began by designing the logo and color palette for the service. Coming up with the word pillar was best for my service as it describes a supporting structure and also a pillar within society that facilitates connections that support on a peer-to-peer level.
Designing 3 different wrappers of the service to test which language was best to use and which "look" and feel would work best with my target group.
- Pregnancy/Yoga inspired
- Healthcare/Clinical
- Informative Support - non pregnancy related
I provided 3 separate call to actions on each flyer to see the response.
Experience Prototyping.
Testing the service wrappers in the field. The goal of this prototyping is to test the language used and the visual design of the service, to gain perspective as to if women would join the service.
The locations of the experience prototyping would be around Copenhagen; in baby shops (Fredriksberg, Nørrebro, Ostebro); Movie theatre where they hold a mother and baby screening; Copenhagen Library where mothers and children hang out.
Purebaby. shop.
Falkoner Alle 39.
Speaking to the shop owner about the concept allowed to get some 'in context' perspective, she deals with first-time mothers on a daily basis and was happy to test out my wrapper in the store.
Giving me some feedback on the design and which wrapper would work best in that shop.
Baby bio - Empire Theatre Nørrebro
Speaking to first-time mothers attending the movies with their newborns allowed me to discuss different looks and language of the flyers. The response was that the 'hopsital' themed flyer was too clinical for them, it would be something that they would look at and ignore.
The more softer pink color flyer, was more attractive and would be something they would pick up and look into. Some responses of the word "life-coach" was interesting, that the word would put them off and maybe to use something different. They all felt the concept was something they would be a part of, and some signed up to be my test users.
Copenhagen Central Library.
Being part of the municipality I was interested to find out what the reaction to the flyers were, as one was designed to have a more 'official' look and feel of being associated with the København Kommune.
Using the word "cutting the cord" on the healthcare flyer was seen as having negative connotations, as it felt like you were being cut away from your baby. The idea of life-coach, was seen as a positive and very on trend word, that would appeal to many people.
The service was validated by these women.
To find out more:
- Initial Research Methods
- Design Challenge
- Initial In-Depth Interviews: Data Matching
- Experience Prototyping: Wrappers and Value Proposition
- User Testing: Content and Conversational Style
- Building the back-end.
- Validated Concept
- Final Product: